
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Kissed by the Sun Quilt

Hello all my friendly readers!

Can you believe I've been "gone" for eight whole days?!

That is a first for me.

It is my husband's fault.  Sometimes, he really puts a damper on my personality.  I was all excited to show you my finished Kissed by the Sun Quilt.  I asked Jerry to come upstairs to help me take a quilt down and put the new quilt up in its place.  He was very nice to do that for me.

So "WHAT is your problem, Lady!?", you are asking.

Well, the problem is that AFTER the quilt was all hung on the wall, and all the tools were back in their designated storage place, he stood back and looked at the quilt.

I was standing there next to him waiting for him to compliment me profusely -- as he usually does when I finish a quilt -- and I was prepared to be all humble and say, "Awwwwwwwwwwe shucks!  It isn't THAT great!"

Well, what came out of his mouth was the complete OPPOSITE!

Now, before you report him for inexcusable wife abuse, I must remind you that this man has a gift (a curse) for seeing things that are crooked.  I am NOT KIDDING you!

Right after we moved into this house that we built in 1998, I saw Jerry outside standing in front of the brick wall with a level, and he was DRAWING on the mortar in between the bricks with a pencil.

I said, "WHAT are you doing?"

He said, "The mortar between these bricks is crooked, and I am drawing a straight line so it can be fixed."

Seriously!  He has it REAL BAD!

So, he looked at my new quilt and he said, "Did you NOTICE, Joy, that the lines in the blocks are CROOKED?"

I replied that I actually DID NOTICE since the pattern called for CROOKED STRIPS to be pieced together by the pattern maker.  It was kind of hard to cut them all different ways of "crooked".

He then said, "Well, whoever made that pattern didn't know WHAT they were doing!"

He left.  My usual annoying chipper personality MELTED.  I stared at the quilt, and I thought, "It looks HORRIBLE."  I need to take it down and hide it in a drawer or under a bed.

And I have been silently pouting about it ever since!

Terry came over last night so we could make a video of her talking about the classes she is going to teach at Bernina stores in Missouri in a couple weeks.  She saw my quilt on the wall, and she said it was GORGEOUS, and she would be very happy to take it to her house and hang it on her wall.

So, I decided maybe it isn't that horrible, and I am going to show it to you now.

I've got to run.

UPS just dropped off my smaller colored jeans from Zappos, and it is raining outside.  Gotta go get the boxes in.

Back tomorrow with the new top and pants I made.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Joy I can see what your husband is talking about but that is the way the design is supposed to look. I think it is a beautiful quilt.
    Glad to hear from you again.

    1. Thank you, Charlotte. I'll have to be careful not to do a crooked on purpose quilt again. I do want him to like them.
      Hugs, Joy

  2. Its beautiful!!! Don't worry about it. I always appreciate quilts that are made by an actual person. My great aunt had one of those quilting hangers on her ceiling so it was always so endearing to see her and her friends get together for a girls day to make z new quilt. It is beautiful and just remember that the most beautiful things in life see not perfect. Don't hide... Raffle it!!! Give the funds to St. Jude's or your local animal shelter or something that touches your heart. Take care. Just me... Sheila in okc

    1. Hi Sheila,
      So good to receive a post from you. Candi got home from the hospital at 5 PM tonight. She said it was a ROUGH ride. I bet it was. She said she is looking forward to sleeping without being woken up every 15 minutes.
      I will keep the quilt. I may auction off the Cats though.
      Next time I'm up there, you must come to lunch with Phylly and me!
      Hugs, Joy

  3. Longtime reader, first time commenter...I love it! I dont see any crookedness. I also wanted to let you know what an inspiration you are to me. Your joy is infectious! Oh and I just watched your weightloss annoucement video, way to go! And that blouse is gorgeous on you. Keep up the good work. Jamie

    1. Hi Jamie!
      So glad to receive a comment from you, and thank you very much! I am making one with a chicken sunbathing next. No kidding.
      Hugs, Joy

  4. It's a beautiful quilt and I love the crooked strips...that's what MAKES it. I wouldn't expect Jerry or anyone who doesn't like 'crooked' lines of any kind to like it. That's OK.

    1. You are right about that, Judi. Jerry doesn't like crooked things. I ask him a lot why he married me because I'm crooked! One high hip, one low. One high shoulder, one low. A little scoliosis in my back.
      Hugs, Joy

  5. Beautiful quilt, it makes me happy just to look at it. Your work is exquisite. Have a lovely day.

    1. Thank you, Jenny. You have a lovely day too!
      Hugs, Joy

  6. Hi Joy, Whenever I make anything and ask for hubby approval he always says 'what do you think?'' If I say it's not perfect he'll say it isn't that bad, If I say it's OK he says it's great. I get the feeling he only tells me what I want to hear. This is not the honest subjective opinion I need [however much the truth hurts]. At least you have someone willing to give his honest [subjective of course!] opinion. The point is that you like it and so do most of your expert readers who know the journey you've taken to get there. What a dreadful world this would be if we all liked the same things....

    1. Oh, yes, Jan. You should see how many garments I have given away because he just LOOKED at them funny!
      Hugs, Joy

  7. I can see Terri and I are going to have to talk. We have to have an understanding here. I get first dibs on all your "rejects" because I almost always absolutely love your "rejects". It has been this way for ten years and I see no reason to change! ROFLOL I have a bedroom with golden yellow walls and that quilt would look absolutely gorgeous hanging in my bedroom. Seriously, it is a beautiful quilt and you should be very proud of it.

    Now let's talk fabric. Terri can have all the orange fabric, but I have to at least see the rest of it...........ROFLOL

    Hugs, Phylly

    1. You are a NUT! I am keeping my quilt for now. We'll see how the sunbathing chicken turns out. I'll have to be sure the stupid chicken is STRAIGHT on the towel!!!
      Hugs, Joy

  8. Missed you on your blog. I left a comment yesterday but guess it is in cyber space. Anyway just want to let you know I think your quilt is beautiful. the crooked strips are what makes it so charming with the sunflowers. Maureen

    1. Thanks Maureen.
      I've got to hurry and do today's post. We are invited over to Terry's tonight for a shindig. We are really excited.
      Hugs, Joy

  9. I am not a quilter so can't comment on the design accuracy, but it is bright, cheerful and makes me feel kissed by the sun. Beautiful job.

  10. I'm not as obsessive as Jerry - but close! And I think the crookedness in your quilt is charming. There's a huge difference between things that are crooked when they are supposed to be straight and things that are crooked by design. Glad to see you back...

  11. I love love love the quilt. My son has one hanging in his home made by his mother in law, who for decades owned and operated a quilt shop in Salina KS. Yours is just as beautiful. The strips within each block are supposed to be wonky, but I bet each block is square! I love how you made grass around the fence.


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Hugs, Joy