
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Necklace for Sis and New Video

I can NOW show you the cute necklace I made for my sister.

She sent me a little sliver of fabric she was using for her Easter dress.  She told me to just decide myself what would look good in a necklace.

That is NOT EASY to do.

I HATE to disappoint anyone, and I know that most people wouldn't say, "This is HORRIBLE!  WHAT were you thinking!???"

So, I had just gotten seated in the little girl's room at Walmart where I was shopping for the ONE thing on my list, but somehow had a cart overflowing parked outside in the hallway, when my phone rang.  It was my sister.  She had received the necklace, and she was DELIGHTED with it.  She told me it was PERFECT and that it went with several of her outfits.

I was very happy to hear that, of course.  It made me want to DASH home and make her another one.

So here are a couple pictures of it.  You can see that I JUST HAPPENED to have the exact color of Swarovski crystal in the dark peach stripe.  All the other beads are solid black.  No stripes in the beads as it appears in the photo.  Just shine.

Another video that I made just on the spur-of-the-moment when I decided it might be a helpful tutorial to somebody who is learning to do applique.

You can check it out here:
Gotta get busy.  Need to sew around the sunflower petals and the large leaves, and then this quilt is going on the longarm for S&S (Stand and Stare).

Hugs, Joy


  1. Beautiful Joy! Very nice!

  2. Lucky Lucy gets to wear all of your beautiful jewelry first. That is a very pretty necklace and I'm sure your sister will get lots of use out of it.

    I did not do any sewing last night. While the storms were swirling around us Wednesday evening and we had no electricity, I sat in the dark and picked at my nail polish. I had really made a mess of it, so last night I had to do my nails. That took most of the evening. Tomorrow I should be able to work on my vest pattern. I just have the back to do since I finished the front on Sunday.

    Have fun shopping! Remember that if you take pictures of what you bought, you have to find something that I would like and have it in the picture, too, so I don't feel left out while I'm here at work slaving away and doing battle with Medicare and Medicaid, the nasty beasts that they are. Don't buy it, just pose with it for me.LOL

    Hugs, Phylly

  3. The necklace is beautiful as usual. You do such great work. I always think of you guys out there when I hear about the storms. So glad everything is ok. Take care.

  4. Thanks for the up close shot of you sewing on your quilt. I would like to know what foot you would be using if you had done that on your 930?

    1. Hi Anita!
      How are you? The weather was lovely today, and everything is turning GREEN. Love it!
      I believe the 930 has an open toe round circle foot. A circle with a piece at the front cut out so you can see. I'm not with the machine right now, but I'll check it tomorrow.
      Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy