
Thursday, April 9, 2015

My Latest Sewn Creation

My new outfit is really no big deal at all.  My sewing is so boring compared to some of the websites and blogs I frequent.


There is a free pattern that Ronda talked about yesterday.

Here is Ronda's Post:

You will notice that Ronda puts other people's blogs on her blog every Wednesday.  You will see WAY, WAY, WAY more and better garments from some of those people.  Ronda is very advanced and can do anything "sewing" or "pattern".  She is in magazines and in videos.  And her HAIR is so pretty!  Us girls with not very much hair have a lot of appreciation for you girls that do have it.

The tee shirt looks like a lot of fun.  I think we should ALL make one, and then post pics.  Well, maybe not Margaret!  (-;

Click the link below.  When it comes up, scroll down past all the tee shirt pictures until you see the paper pattern.

Under "Materials:" you will see the word "Pattern" in PINK.  Just click on the pink word "Pattern", and the pages to copy should come up.

So back to my new SMALLER garment.  The pants are from a downloadable BURDA pattern called Pencil Trousers #104.  I think I have done one other Burda pattern in my life.  I don't understand them very good.  I didn't realize that one pattern is really 3 or 4 different patterns.  I figured out by trial and error, and I was really IMPRESSED with the crotch curve.  It fit me really good just as it was.  That is usually mission EXTREMELY impossible!

The top is a Kwik Sew that I have made a lot of times.  I really liked the fabric until I made it up.  NOW, I think it looks like a pajama top.  It fits me though, so I'm wearing it.

Here I am in front of the sunflowers.  This fabric has little pleats all over it.  I really liked that.  It may be a bit large for me still, but it will do.  I LOVE the pants that I made out of a stretch cotton sateen.  I have ordered 4 more colors from JoAnn Fabrics.

Here, you can see there isn't a large puddle of fabric under my bottom.  I cut the pants down TWO MORE SIZES from what I cut out.  YAY!

 I am cleaning up this sewing room before I get buried in it.  Sewing makes such a mess, doesn't it?

Hugs, Joy


  1. Thanks for all the links Joy :)
    First of all, nothing you make is ever boring. Your outfit is absolutely adorable.
    Second, I know you made that quilt. What a beauty!

  2. Love your blog just the way it is, so much more personable and real life. The blue top is so pretty and you look amazing. Vicky

  3. I love the top and pants. You look awesome!

  4. Looking good !. Wish I had your will power. Now that the yard sale is over maybe I can get back down to business. Haven't sewn in a few weeks and dying to try out a new top. Keep up the good work.!

  5. What! This blue top and pants are 1 of the best you've done... love the raglan sleeve and the pleated fabric. Very classy . Send it to me.....don't wear it to bed! Also the color is great on you.

    lv, jl

    1. Well, thank you, Sis. I did wear it to work one day. NOBODY seemed to notice it -- not even Jerry. I have made so many things, they just assume I've had it for awhile, I guess. I did get compliments on the one I wore yesterday. I'll show pics of it soon.
      Hugs, Joy


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Hugs, Joy