
Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday's WHOPPING Failure!

I hesitate to even write about this monumental ignorant flash because I hate to lose all my readers who think I actually know something about sewing and fitting.

Terry came over today to put her new King Size quilt top on the longarm.  I was about to start a new project, so I had to do the fitting corrections to the paper pattern.  I was using a Simplicity pattern because I am pretty good -- uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, USED to be pretty good -- at Palmer & Pletsch paper fitting.

I opened up the pattern, and I cut out the pieces I would be using.  I threw all the others on the floor where I always throw them.

THEN, I began VERY CAREFULLY chopping up the pattern front to put an FBA in it.  First, of course, I pinned the pleat in the front and held it up to my body and marked my apex.  Then I drew the lines and started slicing them up.  I added paper.  I added more paper.  I took a tuck at the neck so the neckline wouldn't gape on me, and then I added more paper.

I was so proud.  The fit was PERFECT!  I held it up to myself, and I knew everything would turn out great in the fabric.

THEN -- and ONLY THEN -- I started digging through the rest of the paper pattern pieces looking for the BACK of the pattern so I could do the round back and the sway back adjustments.  NO BACK was there, but I did find two FRONT pieces!

OH, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guessed it.  I had put a FULL BUST ADJUSTMENT in the BACK of the blouse.

Here it is:

I was SO FRUSTRATED, I sent a copy of the above picture to Phylly and told her what I had done.

I had hoped for a little sympathy and a vote of confidence that I really wasn't the dumbest seamstress on the planet.

She emailed me back and told me that if her mouth had been full of Dr. Pepper, she would have spewed it all over her monitor and computer from laughing SO HARD she was crying and almost peed her pants!

She said the worst part was she couldn't even tell the other employees what she was cracking up over because none of them ever heard of an FBA.

They say "laughter is healing".

Phylly should be in excellent health tonight!

After my dinner shake tonight, I went back upstairs to the sewing room, and I put the FBA in the FRONT pieces.

The next thing I discovered is this pattern is for a WOVEN fabric, and I wanted to make it out of knit.  Do any of you ladies know if it is okay to MIX a woven and knit in the same top?  I don't think I have ever done that.

I made a new video for the lady that is having trouble with the Steam-A-Seam 2 tape.  Hopefully, I have cleared up whatever confusion I caused.  I kept saying "wait until it dries".  I should have said, "Wait until it COOLS".
Terry has a new quilt on the longarm.  I'll get pics tomorrow -- maybe.  She says she is waking up and coming right over here.  She is so excited to get started on it.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Well, Joy, if I understood all that stuff about PBA, marking, darts, etc., I would be laughing, too! But since I don't understand, I'll just say that it is very unusual for you to make such a mistake! Blame it on Terry for distracting you somehow. Rain, rain, a little is good; a lot is just too much! Your pond is probably brimming over! Hi, Jerry! Margaret

  2. emanating empathy here - but I did laugh as well LOL.
    I have used woven patterns for knit fabric. Depends on the ease what size I cut out. Haven't done that for a while as I adapt the style to my TNT basic pattern.
    PP knits for real people pg 28 section on patterns for woven fabrics - I think you bought this book when it came out? If not you need it :)

  3. I often have often successfully used woven patterns for knits, but that is because I don't like my knits to have negative ease. I like knits to skim my lumps and bumps :) good luck with your new top.

  4. Hi Joy, I created a google account and hope it stays workable; I've tried so many other times withnout success.

    First of all I love the way you respond to people who are having a hard time with some of your instructions even tho you've made a video and explained. You are patient and never make people feel like they are bothering you. I've asked certain sewing instructors to explain their technique and have been told to go look at their site or blog. I'm smart enough to search for the answer if I've seen it before,but sometimes I can't find what I'm looking for.
    I got the SureFit patterns and I'm trying to figure out how to use top pattern with an existiing pattern I already have. I know that you talked about it before SureFit was redesigned. Could you possibly explain how to accomplish this. Thanks , Carol Ann
    PS: Can't wait to see your new skirt.

  5. Well the back is where I need an FBA . Don't need one in front. Verlee

  6. I am with Phylly on this one. Nice to know I am not the only one to make big mistakes. I am sure you have it all fixed by now. I took your advise and bought one of the Palmer & Pletsch classes on Craftsy. I will be watching it when we get our next round of storms. You guys stay safe this weekend.

  7. Hey, Anita, it wasn't so funny that she put it in the back. It was funny because we always laugh at Peggy Sagers for doing the exact thing. Then Joy did it, too. I'm probably next.


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Hugs, Joy