
Friday, May 15, 2015

We'll See if I've Been Listening

Several months ago -- I guess when I got my new car -- I discovered Joel Osteen on Sirious XM.  He is always on unless I've heard what he is saying already, and sometimes, I still leave him on.

I can't imagine there is a single person in America that doesn't know who Joel is.  My parents used to go to his father's church in Houston many years ago.  We actually attended a service with them one time.  I remember my parents telling me back then about Dodie having been healed of terminal cancer.  She is still alive today!

So today I was listening to him talk about NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS, have a good attitude.  Don't even let people know you are upset or sad or going through a hard time.  Act like everything is okay.

While I was listening to him, I thought that a lot of people really do go through horrible tragedies, and I can't imagine how they can just act like they didn't even happen.  How about that train wreck the other day?  How about those policemen killed for just being policemen?  How about the Christians, including little babies, beheaded right in front of their loved ones????  Does Joel ever hear about THAT stuff?

Surely, he isn't talking about horrendous tragedies like that.  He must be referring to day-to-day mishaps and inconveniences.  Being sick.  Losing your job.  A fight with your spouse or your child.  Things like that.

But maybe not.

He was talking about having to raise 100 million dollars to refurbish the building they bought.  I guarantee you, THAT would keep me awake FOREVER!  Maybe not him.

As I was listening, I thought, "The next time something bad happens, I'm not going to have a bad reaction or get upset about it!"

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllll, you KNOW God was listening to my mind, and He heard me think that.

Just a few hours later -- this very day -- one of our very good employees that I have become quite attached to called me here at home to tell me she is leaving us.  She isn't mad at us or upset with our company.  She just thought her old job was lots of fun, and they want her back.

Now, maybe in most businesses, in most towns, that isn't that big of deal; but in this tiny, one-horse town, it is very, very hard to find employees with any qualifications, never mind the kind that are required by the government in order for us to be accredited.  The employee training for our business is extensive and takes over a year, and then they no sooner learn the 10 trillion rules, and the government changes them!!!

AND, every third year we have a SURPRISE audit that lasts two days.  Some guy or lady shows up totally unexpected (except for the month).  She/he goes through all your files and books and drawers.  They can quiz your employees about their training and about us.

They ask me all kinds of nutty questions.  The first time we were audited, the auditor asked me what we do when someone who doesn't speak English calls our store.

I wanted to say, "We hang up!"

"What do you do in case of a tornado?"

We look out the window to see if it is coming!

Both WRONG answers, and I actually did know the right answers.

So, GUESS when the next audit is???????

It is in just a few weeks.  Any day in June.

Right now, the store manager is out recovering from spine surgery.  The lady doing part of her job is out on a one week vacation.  Another lady is about to take a one week vacation.  And a third just gave me her notice tonight.

ALL THAT TRAINING DOWN THE DRAIN!  It is enough to make a Saint cuss, as my Mother used to say.  Thank goodness, I'm not a Saint or even a close relative of one!

Sooooooooooooooo, I reminded myself RIGHT AWAY that I was going to take Joel's advice and not react or get upset.  I, of course, have to place an ad in the paper that comes out only one day a week down here.  I am casting this care on the Lord (per scripture), and I'm going to watch Him handle it.  He knows JUST the right person to send our way, and I'm just going to wait and watch and thank Him in advance that he is handling it.

I made a video for you, Carol Ann.  Watch for it tomorrow.

Be back soon.

Hugs, Joy


  1. I am in the process of trying to do just this Joy. I live my life full of 'what if's' I have one worry after another it seems. I worry constantly what is in the future. I am really trying to stop it. You business seems all consuming too. What on earth is it for it to take a year to learn.

    1. I know what you mean, Jennifer. I fight fear all the time of our formerly "one nation under God" and so many God-haters who now run it.
      Our business is to furnish medical equipment for people who mostly are on Medicaid and Medicare. Medicare and Medicaid are run by the government. Need I say more???? If someone ever walks into our store and actually pays us for something and leaves with it, we all about faint! Rules, regulations, policies and procedures, accreditation, manuals, and on and on it goes. Jerry says it just keeps other people from going into this business. I tell him he needs to open a bait and tackle store. After all, we live on a lake!
      Hugs, Joy

    2. WOw, I should have read the previous replies before I said what I said . I didn't even read the real blog. now i see. I've heard and listen to Joel sometimes. sometimes I wonder if he walks around blind folded. Sometimes, you just can't keep whistling. I lost a job. I wasn't whistling. I was crying. I was upset. Sorry I showed it but, I is human and this human has feelings and tear ducts.

  2. Perhaps it is time to retire? Really, I'm sure all will work out in the end.

    1. That is REALLY funny, Linda. I SUPPOSEDLY already AM retired. If I could keep the store employed, I would be. Hubby wants to work, and I want him to. He really helps people building wheelchairs for them. Especially, the little children. Children who are confined to a wheelchair can be made worse by ill-fitting wheelchairs. Sadly, it happens a lot.

  3. Joy, I wondered what video you made for me because I don't remember asking for a video, so I re-read my comment and I realize that it's a video of using an existing pattern with SureFit patterns. I was expecting you to write a reply.

    I really and truly was not buttering you up with the first paragraph of my comment, I simply meant to say that you are always willing to help us out when we have a problem. However, I'm most appreciative for the video and I will watch it tomorow or whenever you post it.

    I did look all through Sure-Fit's videos and patterns for the answer but couldn't find it.

    I'm hoping and praying that you find a suitable employee. If I lived near you I would work (part time of course-I need to sew some) for free! :}

    1. LOL! Butter me up all you want -- everyone! I am a Choleric. Choleric personalities are motivated by praise and appreciation. Besides, I like making the videos. It is more fun than typing, and the typing gets lost. The videos stay on Youtube and others can see them should they desire.
      I made another video today. Except for the giant mystery blob on my ear, I think everyone will like it. (-;
      Hugs, Joy

    2. I still can't see the blob. you are too funny. You do great in front of a camera. I don't know how you talk like that. Like someone was right there and all that is staring at you is big piece of plastic. I love it.

  4. looking forward to the new video on on setting in sleeves. I still have to do your hold method and will very soon, that was very interesteing to learn. Which size Kai scissors did you purchase and how did you decide upon which ones? I don't have a retailer in my area so I will have to send for some but would like to know which to order. thank you for your help and your wit.

  5. I have the 9" and 5 1/2" Kai scissors. My friend had gotten the bigger scissors and said they were too large, so I didn't get the biggest ones.
    Hugs, Joy

  6. I could no way mauver the large. I'm going to order the 8 then. I have. A 3" frisk cars nod they are harp. O harp they drew blood. I don't want to paint cloth. Lol methane you.

  7. well that post was a total fail. No wonder I got no reply. I can hardly understand it myself. Must have used the ipad. Any way, through what I was trying to say was I didn't think I could maneuver larger scissors. I did order some and will be here on Friday, tomorrow. I had 3" fiskars and they are very sharp. They drew blood on me they are so sharp. And then I said, I didn't want to paint cloth with my blood.. lol. Methane you. now that one I can't even make out, :)


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Hugs, Joy