
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Terrific Tuesday with Terry and Princess Di

What a FUN day!

Diana came over to spend the day.  An hour and a half drive, but she doesn't mind doing it.  I'm so glad, because I don't like long drives.

 Jerry heard she was coming and requested a haircut.  He is going to have to go back to his old barber  (me) after this one though because I may be going back to work for awhile.  More about that later.

After Jerry's haircut, Di and I went down to Terry's for a play day in her SUPER SUNNY, BRIGHT sewing room.  I just LOVE sewing there because of all the natural light.  It is as close as you can get to being outside without really being there!  One of my sewing machines lives in Terry's sewing room, and Terry has several of her own.  Di sewed on Terry's Bernina 1130.  She made a really pretty pincushion using watermelon prints.  I'll show you a picture when I get mine finished.

YES!  I had to have one too.  Terry got the one Di made today.

Terry made ANOTHER BQ3 quilt to go in her other home.  Wish I had thought to snap a picture, but I didn't.  We were really busy.  Nose to the grindstone all day.  We did stop to make lunch.  I had all the food EXCEPT the pickles, tomato, onions, cheese and Terry's special grill that somehow coils wood chips through itself.

Here is a picture of Terry slicing up the VERY FIRST TOMATO out of her very own garden.  It was SO EXCITING!  I have always wanted a garden, and this is almost like having one of my own.  Terry gave me some bell peppers and jalapeno peppers.  Lots of other yummy veggies are still growing.

OH!  She gave me a head of lettuce a few weeks ago.  It was the first thing to hatch in the garden.

We were both so excited because we have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this tomato to get red so we could eat it.

The onions in the picture are from her garden too.  They were little onions, and I think they are much better than the big ones.  Not so oniony!

And here we are enjoying are fabulous lunch.  Don't you love Terry's blue wall with King Jesus on it!

 I have a new video showing the final fabric storage outcome.

If you haven't seen it, here it is:

Someone asked what the boards are in this video.  They are Elmer's Foam Core Boards from  They come 30" by 40" and I cut each board into EIGHT boards that measured 10" x 15".

Gotta get packed because I'm heading to the other house tomorrow.  FAST internet there.  YAY!

Be back soon.

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy