Friday, June 10, 2016

Video About Fabric Boards

I've been cutting boards and folding fabric ALL DAY LONG.

I have so much to show you, but for now, wanted to show you this video from yesterday.

Not all my blog members get my video posts.

And that is such a LOVELY snapshot of me.  I don't pick 'em!

Be back real soon with pictures galore!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Hi Joy, fantastic idea with the fabrics and boards such a good way to keep them neat and tidy to see all fabrics you have at a glance. Re the pins, could you use tiny clips/crafting pegs to hold the fabric rather than pins? (In Singapore I would have the same problem re rusty pins because we can have 80 percent humidity). A tip - when you are cutting the board using the knife, rather than trying to cut it all at once, pass the blade over the cut several times going deeper a little at a time, this way it will be easier to cut and not so hard on your hand. When I was learning leather craft the master cutter showed us this method they use it for tough materials. - Hope it helps. Best wishes Bunny from Singapore

  2. Great idea. Where did you get your bookcases from?

  3. Joy, love your blog and videos. You gave me courage and the information needed to make a 12 animal applique baby quilt.
    This is how I organized my quilting fabrics. Mostly 2 yard pieces or less. I ordered comic book acid free boards from Amazon. 100 in a package. I put the wrapped fabrics on side in plastic crates. Each crate give full view of the fabrics so I can pick out what I need. They are stackable. Can be stored under cutting table, in a closet, attic or along a wall. So happy I did this.
    Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  4. I love this storage idea Joy! Have a great week. Oh and thanks for the lovely comment you left me about my coat. As it's quite cool her I've been able to wear it twice and have gotten so many compliments that I've quite changed my mind about it and love it. It feels so good on too.


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Hugs, Joy