I LOVE the way the little boy CAREFULLY -- as though it may explode if not treated with the tenderest of touches -- lays down the loop handle of the leash. The dog doesn't move his feet at all until the little boy comes back, and the dog looks around to be sure the boy is safe. Such loyalty -- such devotion -- such trust -- in both of them. What a shame the child will grow up to learn what a mess the world is beyond he and his beloved companion.
Today was fun with Phylly. We talked about making a video, and we were going to make a video, but Phylly did not bring her Sure-fit Designs pants pattern that she had made into a princess seam pant. She did bring the pants though. The pants look REALLY GOOD on her. The princess seam down the center back leg allows you to take the pant in under the butt for an FBA (Flat Butt Adjustment). I was going to take a picture of the pants on her, but I forgot. We got busy talking and working on our patterns, and the next thing we knew, we had to go to lunch -- and then we had to go to the Hancock's "20% Off Your Entire Purchase" sale -- and then she had to pack up her stuff and go home. It seems like she was here only 20 minutes!
I had a surprise visit from my friend, Margaret this evening. We compared our family Christmas stories and other stuff. She was wearing one of the earring sets I made for her. They looked great on her, but Margaret looks great in everything.
I should have taken a picture of her in her new earrings! Goodness. Where was my picture-taking gene today???
Tonight, I am tired. I don't have my Elliptical here, and I didn't bounce on the trampoline today because I was wearing boots, and I was afraid the heels might puncture the netting on the tramp. I have taken them off now, but I'm not ready to remove this laptop from my lap yet. I will jump for a minute or two before bedtime.

I hope my sewing friends out there are sewing!
Send me some pictures, and I will share them, or send me a link to your blog. There is a "comment" section below. You have to have a Yahoo or Google or ? password. I hate that Blogger requires that. It is still easier than other blogs where you have to read totally illegible letters that spell absolutely nothing and figure out what number is carved into an old tree stump and type them in two boxes in order to leave a comment. By the time I get the wrong answer three times, I just give up!
I'm going to make some drapes and valances soon. I may even start another quilt. Time will tell.
Hugs, Joy
I'd love to see Phylly's SFD princess line pants. I bet they look great on her.
Yes--I'd like to see them also.
ReplyDeleteIt may be awhile, but I'll take pics next time I see them. She doesn't have the waistband on yet, and they have to be hemmed. I pinned them up on the sides for her because, AS USUAL, they were too big! Better than too small though.
ReplyDeleteHugs, Joy
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