Church at was about the cross this morning. Seems like he just had a sermon on the cross recently, but you can never hear that one too much. According to John Hagee, if you had a thousand tongues and a thousand years, you could not adequately explain what happened at the cross.
The verse was Galations 6:14 -- Paul talking:
May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
So what is the big deal about the cross anyway?
The big deal about the cross is that without it -- exactly how and where and when -- we could not have eternal life and we could never be forgiven for our sin -- so we could never be in rightstanding with God.
People who think the cross was meaningless and Jesus was just a nice guy are sadly mistaken! It is all Adam's fault really. He walked and talked in a garden with God. How could he screw that up so badly because of a woman? And David? And Solomon? Women sure did cause a lot of trouble in those days -- or maybe I should say that men lusting after them caused a lot of trouble in those days.
This is it in a nutshell:

Wow! Amazing! What an awesome God we serve!
You can hear the sermon at if you are interested in more than my Sunday notes.
Gotta run. Yard work is calling. Have an awesome day, my friends.
Hugs, Joy
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Hugs, Joy