Did anyone see Gertie's armpit besides me?
I find her so strange, although I admire her and like her very much.
She says she has all kinds of terrible thoughts about different parts of her body. The only strange thing I see on her body is that she has covered her beautiful skin with tattoos. She has -- or had -- beautiful everything from what I used to be able to see before the pink hair, tattoos and the new anchor on the top of each foot. Gorgeous brunette hair, perfect skin and teeth, and smart as a whip.
Goodness! I just don't see how she could NOT LIKE anything about her body.
If you never heard of Gertie, check out the post I'm talking about here:
Go back to some of her old posts, and you will see how pretty she is with brunette hair, and not quite so many tattoos. I find it shocking and very sad that so many young people, including one of my grandchildren, are finding some kind of contentment in that heathen practice. Actually, I've seen a lot of older people doing it too. I just don't get it. I can sort of see the men that are in the different military services getting tattooed as some kind of honor statement or macho thing, but not young, beautiful girls -- or old ones either.
Please don't be offended if you don't agree -- and I doubt many do -- but this is my blog, and that is MY opinion. I will love you if you have a tattoo or you don't.
I've been watching the very slow patio project. The workers have decided to store all their saws and hammers and levels and saw horses and tool boxes and lunch boxes and water containers, and shingles, and metal, and siding and even a pack of cigarettes under the new cover over my patio. I bet there are, at least, 8 ladders. Three of them are Jerry's. These guys just walk over into Jerry's barn and help themselves to anything they might need. They asked us at first, but now they just go get stuff. Even though they are now working on the front porch, all their paraphernalia is on the back patio. I'll be so glad when it is all gone. Then I will take some pics.
Have I told you that Phylly may -- or may not -- be coming next week? It depends on the grandkids' father who may -- or may not -- show up to take them for a week so Phyllis can have a break. I don't know how she is supposed to make plans, and I don't dare get too excited -- just in case she does't get to come.

HOWEVER, if she does get to come, we will be doing lots of fitting and sewing. Maybe I'll get a new video. Don't know what I can show you that we haven't already showed you though.
According to one patternmaker lady, her patterns are PERFECT and changes are never necessary. I beg to differ with her and so does Phylly. MAYBE I'll take a video of the changes she says aren't necessary that we always have to make. Patternmakers will defend their patterns to the death! Nobody can make a pattern to fit everyone. Not even Surefit Designs can do that. Even SFD blueprints can require further adjustments, and Glenda will be the first to tell you that.
And don't think I dislike this patternmaker lady. I think she is a LOVELY, FRIENDLY, VERY HELPFUL lady. I just don't agree that her patterns never have fitting issues.

My contacts have decided to dry out and stick to my eyeballs like a bug on a windshield. Not comfortable. Time to go get them out -- put my glasses on -- put my jammies on -- and sit on my fresh sheets with a computer in my lap so I can read something.
Hope everyone is having a marvelous week. So nice to not have a tornado warning every night!
Hugs, Joy