1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Let me first say THANK YOU so much for all of your thoughtful comments regarding the passing of my sweet MIL. The funeral was yesterday, and everything went as well as could be expected. We were suppose to have thunderstorms all day, but not a single rain drop fell from start to end of the services. Truly, an answer to our prayers.
Jerry and I are so blessed to know God and the scriptures the way we do. I cannot imagine how people who don't know Him get through a single day, never mind get through heart-wrenching battles such as losing a loved one or receiving a terrible diagnosis.
And, yes, Jerry had the PET scan, and we saw the doctor. The doctor did not give us good news. It seems that back in 2008 when the doctors THOUGHT Jerry had lymphoma, but never found it, that maybe it receded and now has come back.
That seems to be the nature of the beast.
Whatever it is, it is in his bone marrow in both sides of his pelvis. It is in his spine. It is in a lymph node near his aorta. And, as you know, all through his spleen. His entire spleen was lit up like a Christmas tree! Whatever fluid they injected into him goes to "cancer" cells and attaches to them. On the x-ray it looks like a bright light everywhere there is a lesion or mass. The doctor quickly showed it to us on his "not very good at it" computer (according to him). It certainly was not hard to see -- good or not.
Of course, this is all my interpretation of what was said. The doctor isn't the nicest guy, and he doesn't like questions from the wife. I only asked one. He flew through the scan images on his monitor. He would say, "This is the pelvis" and then move without ever pointing to the area or showing us WHAT exactly he was looking at on the monitor. I figured out if it was lit up like Fort Knox, that was bad, UNLESS it was in the kidneys or the bladder which meant that was normal.
I guess I should be thankful that other than Raggedy Ann and Andy in the hallway, we didn't run into any other Halloween characters in the doctor's office. Well, actually, his nurse had on her invisible "I'm too busy to care about you" costume, and as she was snapping at us, another very nice lady suddenly appeared and started helping us. She was very helpful and friendly. I asked her what she did there. She said she wasn't a diagnostician (HUH?), but she helped out. I told her I really appreciated her helping us.
It had to do with scheduling for the NEXT stage which is a biopsy of the bone marrow.
FIRST, the nurse tells you it will be 1 or 2 days. THEN she hands you a paper that says it will be 5 to 7 days. THEN when you question her, she acts like you are a royal PITA and snarls at you.
That is when the nice lady shows up and rescues you.
We want to go home, and we might. We need a break from waiting. I need to swing. We live in such a tiny town down there that it will probably be a very long drive for whatever is next, but we will see.
Pray that I will be very patient. I have a feeling that this test is more for me than it is for Jerry. God is preparing us both for the next phase of our lives. I hope we don't disappoint Him.
Let me add that our employees have been WONDERFUL through this. They have been so caring and kind and understanding. My personal assistant, Candi, has done everything but drive up here to type this blog for you. I love you Candi!
Phylly took her last day of vacation yesterday to be with me all day. I had to go early and would have been alone if not for Phylly. It was suppose to storm all day, and Phylly knows how I hate to drive in the rain. I love you Phylly!
Margaret surprised me by being at the service. A long drive in bad weather, but she did it alone. If Phylly and I had known she was coming, she could have come with us. She would have been stuck there all day though. Probably better as it was. Actually, Margaret was dressed in the most gorgeous outfit, and she is so pretty, Phylly and I probably would have had to have a beauty appointment and a stylist to be seen with her! I love you, Margaret!
And, of course, Robert and Deanna were there for Jerry. They are so sweet and loving to everyone, but especially, to Jerry. I just love to see it because Jerry doesn't have any friends because he has so little time for them. Robert and Deanna don't care. They love us like we are. Poor Deanna had cotton stuffed in her ear because she had a terrible earache. She had been trying to get in to see a doctor, but hadn't been able to. If I was her, I would have stayed home in bed! I love you both, Robert and Deanna!
AND THANKS TO ALL OF MY BLOG READERS! I love your comments and your heartfelt thoughts and your advice. I'm so glad you are here.
Hugs, Joy
And, yes, Jerry had the PET scan, and we saw the doctor. The doctor did not give us good news. It seems that back in 2008 when the doctors THOUGHT Jerry had lymphoma, but never found it, that maybe it receded and now has come back.
That seems to be the nature of the beast.
Whatever it is, it is in his bone marrow in both sides of his pelvis. It is in his spine. It is in a lymph node near his aorta. And, as you know, all through his spleen. His entire spleen was lit up like a Christmas tree! Whatever fluid they injected into him goes to "cancer" cells and attaches to them. On the x-ray it looks like a bright light everywhere there is a lesion or mass. The doctor quickly showed it to us on his "not very good at it" computer (according to him). It certainly was not hard to see -- good or not.
Of course, this is all my interpretation of what was said. The doctor isn't the nicest guy, and he doesn't like questions from the wife. I only asked one. He flew through the scan images on his monitor. He would say, "This is the pelvis" and then move without ever pointing to the area or showing us WHAT exactly he was looking at on the monitor. I figured out if it was lit up like Fort Knox, that was bad, UNLESS it was in the kidneys or the bladder which meant that was normal.
I guess I should be thankful that other than Raggedy Ann and Andy in the hallway, we didn't run into any other Halloween characters in the doctor's office. Well, actually, his nurse had on her invisible "I'm too busy to care about you" costume, and as she was snapping at us, another very nice lady suddenly appeared and started helping us. She was very helpful and friendly. I asked her what she did there. She said she wasn't a diagnostician (HUH?), but she helped out. I told her I really appreciated her helping us.

FIRST, the nurse tells you it will be 1 or 2 days. THEN she hands you a paper that says it will be 5 to 7 days. THEN when you question her, she acts like you are a royal PITA and snarls at you.
That is when the nice lady shows up and rescues you.
We want to go home, and we might. We need a break from waiting. I need to swing. We live in such a tiny town down there that it will probably be a very long drive for whatever is next, but we will see.
Pray that I will be very patient. I have a feeling that this test is more for me than it is for Jerry. God is preparing us both for the next phase of our lives. I hope we don't disappoint Him.
Let me add that our employees have been WONDERFUL through this. They have been so caring and kind and understanding. My personal assistant, Candi, has done everything but drive up here to type this blog for you. I love you Candi!
Phylly took her last day of vacation yesterday to be with me all day. I had to go early and would have been alone if not for Phylly. It was suppose to storm all day, and Phylly knows how I hate to drive in the rain. I love you Phylly!
Margaret surprised me by being at the service. A long drive in bad weather, but she did it alone. If Phylly and I had known she was coming, she could have come with us. She would have been stuck there all day though. Probably better as it was. Actually, Margaret was dressed in the most gorgeous outfit, and she is so pretty, Phylly and I probably would have had to have a beauty appointment and a stylist to be seen with her! I love you, Margaret!
And, of course, Robert and Deanna were there for Jerry. They are so sweet and loving to everyone, but especially, to Jerry. I just love to see it because Jerry doesn't have any friends because he has so little time for them. Robert and Deanna don't care. They love us like we are. Poor Deanna had cotton stuffed in her ear because she had a terrible earache. She had been trying to get in to see a doctor, but hadn't been able to. If I was her, I would have stayed home in bed! I love you both, Robert and Deanna!
AND THANKS TO ALL OF MY BLOG READERS! I love your comments and your heartfelt thoughts and your advice. I'm so glad you are here.
Hugs, Joy