
Friday, November 8, 2013

The Biopsies are Done!

Yes!  We spent four hours at the hospital this morning where Jerry had TWO very big needles shoved into his lower back bone and over to each hip.  OUCH!!!  It hurt just thinking about it.  Jerry was on his tummy.  He said he could feel the doctor pushing so hard on the needle that it was pushing his body into the table.  OUCH!!!

I LOVE this hospital for so many reasons:

Reason #1:  There is a humongous cross on top of the hospital.

Reason #2:  When you walk into the hospital registration area past the round-and-round doors, you find there is scripture CARVED into the beams.  There is a scripture in the Bible somewhere about that.  It was really hard to photograph with my phone because just above the words is a very high ceiling and lots of light coming through.  I cut the upper part off, or you couldn't see the words at all.

Reason #3:  When you get to the registration desk, there is a card for you to take with the SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY on it!  And today's was "They shall mount up on wings as Eagles....."  We love that one!

PLEASE, don't anyone tell our President or our Congress!  Next thing I know some fool will get "offended" and file a lawsuit with the ACLU, and it will all have to be torn down.

Reason #4:  Valet parking!  We have never used valet parking before because Jerry is afraid they will get a door ding in our car.  The car we were driving already HAS a door ding in it, so I guess he thought it would be alright.  MARVELOUS idea!  You stop at the front door, and when you leave, they bring your car back to you!

Reason #5:  The "blue people".

I wish I had taken more pics, but with people wandering all around, sometimes they get upset if they see some strange lady taking pictures of "nothing".  Mercy's volunteers wear blue shirts, and there are blue shirts ALL OVER THE PLACE!  They are lovely, friendly -- mostly elderly -- people, and they walk around LOOKING for someone to help.  I wanted to walk around and give them each a big hug.

NOW, we wait.  After three frustrating calls to the Oncologist we want to see, I was able to get confirmation at 5 PM tonight that Dr. Keefer WILL see Jerry, and that he has already seen the scans.  THAT is wonderful!  We tried to get into this doctor in 2008, but he was too busy to take new patients then.

I better go.  My sweet hubby is hungry.  I think it is sandwiches, guacomole' and chips tonight.

Then maybe a movie, although we haven't found one worth watching for six months or more.  I like to watch the duck people because they are Christians and they pray, but Jerry can't stand it.

Wishing all of my readers a FABULOUS Fall weekend.

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Bone is hard for a reason ! LOL I am glad that Jerry got through the proceedure ok. The hospital certainly sounds like it has a pleasant 'feel' to it.
    Good that you got into the Dr you want as well. :)
    I have had a lovely day with a friend - we travelled 1.5hrs to another town to attended a quilty demo, brunch with some of the ladies then we checked out a fabric store which is closing down. We both fell off our fabric diet.
    Anyway you and Jerry have a good weekend.



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Hugs, Joy