
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Another "Miracle" Story and My Latest Knit Top

My morning started out with another lesson from Jerry on how to do something he has always done.  Then my cell phone rang and I dashed into the kitchen to grab it.  It was Aunt Betty Jane (BJ).  She was calling to check on Jerry.  We received a sympathy card from her yesterday, much to my surprise.  BJ probably had the greatest loss of all losing Leanida as her best friend and Sister-in-Law.  She visited Mom nearly every single day at Countrywood because she lives close by.  That is the only way we could let Mom stay there -- so far away from where we live -- which was her instruction before she completely lost her mind.  We should have sent BJ a sympathy card.

That reminds me, I need to send thank you cards for the flowers.  There were NO addresses on the cards, and I've kind of been in limbo about that.  Jerry will have to help me with names and maybe I can google the addresses.  

It is truly amazing how GREAT Jerry looks and feels.  He is gaining weight.  Lymphoma causes you to LOSE weight, which he did already.  He lost 11 pounds in one week!  Shocking!  But since we got back home, he has been gaining weight.  I didn't ask him how much he weighed today, but I bet he is still gaining.

Jerry has such a happy outlook on this whole thing and that really helps in a situation like this.  Sometimes, he is a little TOO happy, and he just wants to forget anything is even wrong.  It isn't easy to be IN this world, but not OF it.  My Bible-thumper friends out there will know exactly what that means.

When I was at our store picking up things to take to Oklahoma City this morning, I ran into our delivery man, Ronny.  I don't talk to him much at all because I hardly ever see him.  He is 60-something and retired except for part-time work for us.

When I walked by him in the back room this morning, he said, "How is Jerry?"

I told him Jerry was feeling great and that we had the biopsy coming up.

You won't BELIEVE what Ronny told me!

He said, "Look at me!"  "Do you see these scars on my nose?"

I couldn't see them that well as I wasn't very close to him.  He told me that he had Malignant Melanoma INSIDE his nose and sinuses.  He said the doctors told him he would be DEAD in less than 2 years.  He had surgery to have all of his sinuses removed.  He said, "There isn't anything in my head behind my nose."  He told me that way more than 2 years has gone by, and he has not had any recurrence and he, obviously, isn't dead either!

I agreed with him about prayer and miracles, and he said he would pray for Jerry.

WOW!  You just never know what some people have been through!  And this man is right there in OUR store, and I never knew about any of that.

When Jerry is totally healed of this Lymphoma that is ravaging his body, I will be walking up to complete strangers saying, "Hey, do you want to hear what God did for my husband!?"

Remember that top I told you I was going to finish?  I did finish it, but not before I cut a few holes in it.  I don't know WHY I do that!  I was ripping out some stitches and I got in a hurry and pushed too hard and you know the rest of the story.

I did put it on for pictures, and I'll show you how it turned out.  I really like the lace on the collar.  Maybe I should glue some over the holes at the waist.  You will notice that I did NOT put a large enough Full Bust Adjustment in this, so I had to add two pleats at the bottom.  That is where the holes now reside.

 And here is the necklace that I made the blouse to go with.  Perfect match!

I have to get busy doing something.  Maybe I'll try to patch the holes in the new top.

Hope you all are having a MARVELOUS Fall week where you live.

The leaves are turning fast and floating like butterflies in the wind.

How can anyone not believe in God?!

Hugs, Joy


  1. The collar on your new knit top is exceptionally flattering to you!

  2. Beautiful top.
    Talk to your mountains :)

  3. I'm glad Jerry is doing so well. There are miracles all around us, we just need to open our eyes to see them.

    The collar is very flattering with the necklace. Or maybe it is your gorgeous smile.

    Love you, Phylly

  4. Joy they are beautiful pictures of you.You look so pretty So happy Jerry is feelling better

  5. Your top is really pretty. What a great idea using lace on the cowl - very 'on-trend' :)
    Might have to copy your idea.



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Hugs, Joy