We went shopping today. Every time an older man walked by me who had white hair or white beard or white mustache or combination, I would just stare at him. One very nice looking man with white beard, mustache and hair caught my stare and smiled at me. I was SO embarrassed! I'm sure he thought I was flirting with him. THANK GOD -- FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE -- I didn't try to EXPLAIN what I was doing. Usually, I just make matters much worse and embarrass poor Jerry to the point of running the other way while swearing he doesn't know me!
The guy had walked on down the aisle when Jerry pulled his shopping cart up next to mine. I told him to LOOK QUICK and see how nice white hair looks.
Although, Jerry has a mustache, and he is shaving every day again, he doesn't have much more than peach fuzz over his head. I'm anxious to see how it comes in.
He is feeling very good MOST of the time. Sometimes, his ankles swell. Sometimes, he will say, "I just don't feel right today, but I can't really explain it."
He is back to work at the store. He has mowed everything that needs mowing. He has dug holes, burned tree stumps, spread new soil, purchased a new company van for himself, moved some equipment out of his barn to Goodwill, done lots of honey-do jobs for me including helping me give Jackie a haircut, and he stays busy all the time. AMAZING! I am so thankful that God has been so good to us through this whole ordeal.
We may have a visit from two of our grandkids next weekend. Jerry is itching to go fishing on the lake we live up the hill from, and I don't want to go. He likes to go in his bass boat which is built for fishing. I like to go out in our bigger boat which has a bathroom and a sink in it. It also has a big cover you can put up over the boat to shade the occupants from the sun. The bathroom isn't anything but a port-a-potty behind a door that covers up a sunken room that one must fold one's body in half in order to enter BUT, at least, it has one!
I started to say. Our darling granddaughter, Lindy, LOVES, LOVES, LOVES to go fishing. Papa says she is his best fishing buddy. She catches the fish, removes the fish, cleans the fish and whatever else has to be done. She also usually catches the most.
This picture was taken Spring Break of 2009 when both my granddaughters were here with us. That is Lauren on the left and Lindy on the right. Lindy taught Lauren to love it too. It tickled me pink to watch these girls fish with their Papa. Sure wish I could have them both here again someday. It is my prayer. They are so grown up though. It will take a small miracle.
Lindy's brother, Jacob, may come with her if he can get off work. He is doing SO, SO, SO good after several years of bad choices. He has had a miraculous change of mind and heart, and God is moving in his life in a way that is just exciting to watch. I can't wait to see him and hug the stuffin's out of him!!! He may not be able to come due to work. He really likes to go fishing with his Papa too.
Here's Jacob in 2008. Isn't he a cutie! He has caught a lot bigger fish than that one since then.

come down to fish with their Papa,
because as everyone on the planet knows,
I would much rather be sewing and blogging!!!
I will, however, COOK an awesome batch of deep
fried whatever kind of fish they bring home to me.
Time for Jackie to come in for bedtime, and tv time for us.
Hugs, Joy