Saturday, May 10, 2014

Bad News and Good News

The "bad" news is my computer evidently got some kind of awful germ.  How nutty.  I tried to log in with my password and I got an error message that said I wasn't me and my password was wrong.

The computer has been delivered to Shannon, our computer fixer guy down here.  He is paralyzed from an auto accident when he was young and "lives" in a wheelchair.

When I drove up to our store where he was working on something for Jerry, I noticed a brand new pretty red truck in the handicapped parking.  I assumed it was his, but I couldn't imagine how on earth he got in it -- IN his wheelchair -- behind the steering wheel to drive.  He can drive with some levers attached to the steering column.  His fingers don't work, but he has limited use of his arms.

I went into the store and found Shannon in the Receiving area sitting next to Jerry.  I said hello to him and asked him if that was his shiny red truck.  He said it was.  I told him I would love to see HOW he got into it.
Later, I was sitting back in my office at my desk.  Jerry walked in and said, "Shannon is waiting for you outside so you can see how his truck works."  I walked outside to the front parking lot where he was sitting in his wheelchair a little bit away from the side of the truck.  He had a remote control in his hand.  He said, "Are you ready?"

I said, "Yes", and I really didn't have a clue what was about to happen.

The entire side of his truck from the drivers door to the truck bed lifted out and up into the sky!!!  It was like someone CUT the whole side of the truck off and then reattached it with hinges at the top of the doors.

Then a platform came out of the truck and lowered to the ground.  Shannon backed his wheelchair up onto the platform, and then went up and into the truck where he landed right behind the steering wheel.  I'm sure my mouth was as wide open as the side of that truck was!  It was amazing.   I certainly would have taken a picture if I could have closed my mouth long enough to think of it before Shannon drove away.

THE WHOLE POINT OF THAT STORY IS my computer was IN THAT TRUCK, and I won't have it back until some time next week.

So the "good" news is I still have my laptop, AND I figured out how to upload a video to it.  I have a new video that Jackie and I made for Aunt Phylly today.  She asked how Jackie was, so here she is:

I am in the frog "pajamas".  I never left home with them on.  I did change the pink buttons to lime green buttons, and I think they look better.

I THINK I have some pictures in here to show you, but I haven't figured out if I can work with them yet.  I think I'll go play with that now.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all of my blogosphere friends.  I pray your families are healthy and happy, and you are appreciated as the awesome Mothers you are!

Hugs, Joy


  1. Oh my goodness does that dog ever love you!!! What a gift you have. From one dog mom to another... Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Joy, I just noticed the godet on your sleeves. I think that would look good on the short leg at the hem instead of the bows.. Just saying. : )
    Have a very blessed Mother's Day.

  3. Thank you for my video of Jackie. She is such a love bear. So cute. She looks bigger than she did two weeks ago. Happy Mother's day to you, too. Hugs, Phylly


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Hugs, Joy