
Friday, July 11, 2014

Good Friday Evening!

It is just Jackie and me right now.  She is finally dry after her drenching via the hose because she decided to try to dig to China in the back yard.

She had dirt from one end to the other.

Her face looked like she had been eating it in between sessions of rubbing it onto her hair like a mask!

I started to put her paws into her water dish as I usually do, but she always acts like I am about to drown her.

The hose was right next to us, so I turned on the faucet and let her have it.


Other than that, I spent the day WAITING for "The 3 Nines" to call and fix my computer.  Isn't that a weird name for computer techs?  I call them "The 9 Nerds".

Actually, the man that finally got on my commputer via the internet was called an "engineer".  Haven't heard that one before for a computer-fix-it-guy.

I also spent the afternoon trying to figure out what to work on tomorrow.  Phylly sent me some pattern numbers that she had.  I then went through my OKC stash and found one that resembled those.  It is a New Look pattern for a knit top.  I "Palmer/Pletsched" one of the styles, and then I made a muslin.  The fit is pretty good.  It will need a tuck in the front neck, but that is it.  Phylly can use the same muslin in the morning as our measurements are very close.  I know it doesn't LOOK like it, but that is because she is about 5 inches shorter than I am.

Hopefully, I will think to take some pics tomorrow, and maybe a video.  Phylly is coming over tonight after she gets her grandkids to bed.  It will be 10 PM but, at least, she will already be here in the morning, and we can start in our jammies.  We are meeting Margaret for lunch at a "new to us" restaurant.

Here is the pattern I am working with.  I am making VIEW E.  I think Phylly wants to do VIEW A.

Here is the muslin where you can see the lovely V-Blob at my neck.  Yes, I am holding my arms forward to hold the cell phone, BUT the V is there whether I do that or not.  Very common issue I have.

I HAD to do an FBA in this.

I tried it without one, but it was a GLARING necessity.  I moved it into a French dart, but it appears I need to lift the point a bit.

Of course, according to Peggy Sagers, as long as that dart tip is anywhere within a 6 inch radius of your apex, it is fine.  I prefer my darts pointing in the right direction, and so does Phylly.

It is really hard to get a dart right the first time in knit fabric.  The knit hangs and takes the dart with it.
This is what we will be working on tomorrow.

Our goal is to have a FINISHED knit top by the time Phylly has to leave, which I hope isn't the usual 2:00.

Wishing all a WONDERFABULOUS weekend.  It is supposed to get above 100 degrees here.  Glad we are playing inside!

Hugs, Joy

1 comment:

  1. Nice little top pattern ~ you should have fun whipping it up tomorrow! I'm also playing inside with the sewing today, because of the cold ~ coldest morning in 100 years today .... J


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Hugs, Joy