
Thursday, July 10, 2014

Good Pattern and Horrible Pattern

Almost 9 PM.  WHERE does the time go?

Another day fading into the darkness, and I'm not sure I accomplished much today.

My daughter did come over to see Jackie -- and Jackie thinks my daughter IS a dog and goes insane when she sees her -- but I managed to tear her away from Jackie long enough to go have lunch with me.  We had a long, fun talk about her vacation.

My daugter -- (PLEASE don't tell her I said this) -- is a lot like me.  She has to ACT OUT what she talks about.  She had me laughing so hard at the little restaurant we were in, I could hardly eat my food.

Do you know how difficult it is to laugh so hard you are crying and eat fried rice at the same time!?

For those who asked about the ruffle jacket pattern, it is Simplicity 1542, Sew Stylish.

Here is a picture of the pattern cover.

The jacket with the ruffle is in blue on the girl in the lower left corner.

The other styles are really cute too.  I might try the red one now that I have the fit fixed.

I don't mind wearing a jacket if the fit is right, and I have never had that luxury in RTW.

Well, ANOTHER Silhouette pattern and the pants I made with it are in the trash.  That was a disaster of a pattern.  I successfully made the Silhouette yoga pant pattern and a woven blouse (with lots of correction), but I sure haven't had any successes since.  Someone will FOR SURE disagree with me -- but the "finished measurements" written on the back of the envelope are not right.  Instead of ADDING to them, I should have been SUBTRACTING.

NEXT will be a knit top I make with Phylly on Saturday.  I will probably use my SFD pattern because I KNOW IT WILL FIT!

Jackie is in bed for the night.  I think I will force myself to go do some sit-ups.  I am hoping to be able to squeeze at least ten of them out of this wide-waisted body without throwing my back into a spasm.  I have gained a few pounds back, so I MUST get back on my DESM diet right away.  If I let it go any further, it will be so much harder!  I am still jumping on my little trampoline.  And if the music is on -- which


Do any of you know how to upload songs from your own personal CD to your Iphone.  I tried for over 2 hours to do that this morning, and I never could accomplish it.  I'm sure it is very easy.  I dragged and dropped and went to Itunes and put the CD in and out and in and out and in and out .....  My Iphone is years old, but it has Itunes on it.  SURELY, a CD can be put into it.  It is on my computer already.

And as I started to say, IF the music is on -- I am dancing, and THAT is really good exercise!

I WOULD take Jackie for a walk down the street and back, BUT Jackie walks like she is DRUNK.

She wants to be RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME -- then to the right of me -- then back in front and over to the left -- then fast -- then slow -- and the whole time she has her nose pasted to the ground sniffing every square inch of it!

I spend the whole time hollering at Jackie to MOVE or SLOW DOWN or COME ON and hope I don't trip over her and break my neck!

Come to think of it, I think I'll look for some dog-training videos to watch before I go to bed.

Hugs, Joy


  1. Thanks for the jacket pattern ~ it really did look fantastic on you ... good luck with the dog training, personally I think they deliberately have a mind of their own just to keep us on our toes ... J

  2. I was wondering about the jacket pattern; your version so cute! Looks like it's time to give up on Silhouette patterns for yourself; I like them and they work for me; but I do understand that no pattern company works for everyone. Time to stop wasting time and fabric perhaps. Look forward to this simplicity pattern turns out! Waiting for photos......

  3. Love the jacket on you. The seam finish is awesome!


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Hugs, Joy