Are you having a perfectly MARvelous Sunday?
Thank God it hasn't become politically incorrect YET to say "church" or "sermon".
I "attended" Cornerstone this morning where Matthew spoke about slaying giants. He talked about David and Goliath but compared it to the giant of corrupt government, socialism and pure INSANITY happening in America these days. There is an election coming up, and his purpose was to motivate Christians to VOTE!
I have to admit, I don't even know who is running in my district or for what. I need to find out where one goes to investigate that and do some research. Sometimes, you don't have a choice that you really agree with, and all you can do is vote AGAINST the worst choice.
My husband is on his way AS I TYPE, and I am so excited to see him. It has been two weeks! The "boxes" I have been waiting for NEVER CAME! Jerry finally called about them and found out they never shipped. SO FRUSTRATING, you could scream! If it would do any good, I would!

Yesterday was a Play Day with Phylly. She worked on her CLD skirt since she FORGOT her jacket. She brought everything she needed to finish her jacket BUT the jacket.
I snapped a picture of the HALF-skirt she got done while here. She is holding fabric that the jacket will be made from above it. VERY PRETTY!
You may recall I am making Kwik Sew 2965 for the FIFTH time. I just happen to have all five tops here, so I photographed them all for you. Let's see if I can find them.
Here is version #1.
It has short sleeves,
boat neck, and turned under hem at neck and sleeve rather than the binding.
I made some kind of mistake -- probably cut a hole in it -- so I applied the applique to cover it.
I was wearing this in one of my videos.

This is a V-Neck with 3/4 sleeve. This one does have the binding band at the neck.
I don't know if you can tell, but I cut the "bat wing" back quite a bit on this one.

This is V-Neck again.
I made it fuller at the waist and longer.
This is a veeeeeeeeeery stretchy knit from Silhouette Patterns.
The skirt is about to be hemmed as soon as I finish this post.
I did a special little video for you to show you this new way I learned to tie my scarf.
Scroll down a bit if you don't see it yet.
And, yes, the still that You Tube chose for me is SO LOVELY!
And now to version #4 of the same Kwik Sew pattern. This is the one I did the video on the other day showing you how I added all the fullness at the bottom. Still a V-Neck but WAY MORE fullness than in the red one, but this is a much different fabric. It is stretchy but is a light weight rayon or poly. Much drapier.
And here is the one I have on right now.
Version #5.
THANK GOODNESS, I added more of the bat wing back into this one because I made a HUGE boo boo.
I ASSUMED this fabric was stretchy.
It is NOT. It doesn't stretch even 1/8" in any direction!
I had to make some adjustments:
#1: I had to slit the sleeves under the elbow.
#2: I had to put a button and little flap at the shoulder so the neckline would open up enough to get it on over my head.
I'm showing you a close-up of the button/flap below. Sorry it isn't very clear.
So that is all of my Kwik Sew tops. It is easy to make IF you don't screw it up on the way.
I am working on my second long skirt. I made it on the diagonal. I did NOT make this top. I am going to make a top though as soon as I run to Hancock's and buy some gray knit. I want to use the stripe to bind it. HOW CUTE will that be.

NO, the stripes do not match on the side.
I did good to figure out how to get the stripes to be on the diagonal down the front and back.
I think that nearer the bottom, they did accidentally line up.
Gotta go.
Jerry just called. He was stuck 45 minutes in traffic. That means I have time to dash to Hancock's.
Hugs, Joy
Well, thank goodness you didn't get my head in that picture! It was scary enough as it was!
ReplyDeleteI don't know which one of your tops I like the most. The polka dotted one looked really comfortable and you looked really happy in it.
I've fixed the tabs on my jacket and I have finished the the collar and facings. I have also stitched the sides and the sleeves. I think I have a bit more top stitching and the sleeves to do.
Hugs, Phylly
Joy, thanks so much for your scarf tutorial. That looks so easy and very attractive. I hope I can teach it to my mother. I was in Jo-Ann's on Saturday and I was just looking around and thought oh yes I want to get that pattern that Joy was showing on her blog the other day. So I got my phone and looked on your blog to get the pattern brand and number. Well then I was so disappointed that they do not carry Kwik Sew patterns there. I think you have done a wonderful job of showing how many different ways to use that pattern. I still intend to get it . Hope you have a wonderful week and look forward to seeing what you come up with next.
ReplyDeleteYour red & black scarf looks fabulous with that outfit! I'm tempted to try something similar, and I'm not one that typically wears scarves. Thanks for posting the video. A sewing friend has recommended Nancy Nix-Rice to me but I hadn't looked up her site until today -
ReplyDeleteI don't know if I'm the "new girl" you welcomed the other day, but if so - thanks! I'm not new, I've been following for quite awhile but Blogger kept eating my comments so I gave up trying to leave them. Knock wood, it seems to like me now...
Hi Joy, have been following your blogs forever - so informative and funny - look forward to them all the time:) I'm trying to watch your video from Sept. 16th re Kwik Sew 2965 - but an error message comes up - was able to see it the other day and I can see all the others - is there another way to watch it? Thank you and keep up the great videos and blog - Regards.
ReplyDeleteI just checked the video and it is "public", and it played for me. Please try again.
DeleteThanks so much for your comments.
Hugs, Joy