
Friday, December 12, 2014

Two Little Earring Fashion Show Videos

I have had several people remark that they LOVE to wear Christmas earrings, so I am inspired.  I have so many beads purchased just for Christmas earrings that I really wanted to make them.

This is for Sheila and Larece.  Tell me which ones you like best.

And this one is very short.  Youtube chose a great in-focus shot of the Christmas package.
I've decided I LOVE wearing Christmas tops and Christmas earrings because I feel like when you are celebrating a birthday, you should act happy and in-tune to the event.

When you are celebrating the birth of God's Son, then you should celebrate with a BIGGER bang and a BIGGER amount of happy!

There are so many people in America that hate Christmas these days that I have decided I'm not going to join in the "don't say it - don't look like it -- don't celebrate it" bunch, and I'm going to wear my Christmas bling and enjoy it.

Besides, my Christmas tops are NOT ugly.  I saw a lot of "ugly" Christmas sweaters on TV today, but they were made ugly ON PURPOSE.  I think it is sacrilegious and mocks the birth of Christ.
one of the ugly sweater contests was done at our very own church:  Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX.  I was really disappointed.

Gotta run downstairs and let Jackie and Josie out.  It has rained all day, and it is VERY muddy outside where Jerry put new topsoil down.  The dogs come in so dirty.  Josie looks like she was buried by Jackie!  Such a mess.

Hugs, Joy


  1. The Christmas Wreaths, Christmas presents and the Candy Canes. They are beautiful. Thank you for the video. :-) Merry Christmas!!

  2. Joy, I love your earrings. I don't wear Christmas tops, but I would definitely wear any of your earrings, they are well done and cute!

  3. I love them all they are fabulous says she who spent yesterday afternoon looking for half decent Christmas earrings here in the UK. what I love more though is the awesome bracelet you are wearing in the video. If that was on sale over here it would be on my present list. Carry on with your creations

  4. Joy Joy All the earrings are beautiful. But I am with Jennifer--I love the bracelet you are wearing. You have probably already showed it to us, but I'm not recognizing it from a distance. Which one is it?

    Most Christmas jewelry that I have seen in the stores here is poorly made because they only expect women to wear it one month and then replace it the neaxt year. But knowing how well you make jewelry, I'm sure it could be worn for many years.
    Hugs, Phylly

  5. I like the Christmas wreaths and the Christmas presents. I received the Christmas tree last year which I really liked. Really nice. Thank you so much. Larece

  6. Love them all......but my favorites are the Christmas trees and the Christmas presents.......thanks for showing us. Vicky

  7. Your Christmas package earrings are cute, a nice use of Swarovski cubes. Christmas trees don't have to be green! Check these out - I have beads to make both green and white tree earrings, maybe next week I'll find a few minutes to put them together. I'd love to wear them for our choir concert at Christmas Eve Mass...


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Hugs, Joy