Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Kitchen Tear-Apart and Finished SFD Blouse

Michael (the builder) is in South Padre and won't be here all week, so as fate would have it, it doesn't matter that we will be gone all week.  Talked to Michael, Nasan and Brad -- the adjuster -- this morning.  Brad still isn't coming to the house.  Evidently, Michael is calling all the shots.  He says the entire counter WILL have to come up and he isn't sure about the upper cabinets.   The wallpaper will be messed up too.

This too shall pass.  Right???  Margaret asked me if that was in the Bible.  I don't think so.

This is in the Bible though:
"ALL things work together for GOOD to those that love God and are called according to HIS purpose!"   (Romans 8:28)


Took a picture of myself wearing the brightest-blouse-in-the-world this morning.

I really like it even if it is super large flowers and super bright. 

You can't call it boring!

Think I'm going to try a sleeveless blouse next.  That means I must hurry and do a thousand of those weight swinging upper arm exercises!!!

I need to get everything in order so we can leave this afternoon, so my post will be short today.  Stay tuned for the exciting kitchen tear-apart journey.  I am very happy that we have Michael, Nasan and Kirby, the Psychologist, on the job.  Actually, I've been told by numerous people in my past that I need a Shrink. 

One of them was a secretary I hired to work for me many years ago when I managed a small oil company.  She couldn't alphabetize right.  I told her the correct way to do it, and she told me that "it was a grey area".  I told her I didn't care WHAT color it was, I expected her Rolodex to be in proper alphabetical order so I could FIND something on it!  She got mad and stormed out telling me I was crazy and needed a Psychiatrist.  (Is that the same as a Psychologist???)

I actually went through NINE secretaries while I worked there.  The main problem actually wasn't me, however.  It was the two owners of the oil company, Clark and Buddy.  They told me I could have a secretary BUT she needed to be young and pretty.

Obviously, that limited me greatly in who I could hire.  "Young and pretty" usually doesn't come with experience and good sense.  Clark and Buddy finally allowed me to choose, so secretary #9 was older -- but still nice looking -- and she had lots of experience. 

Actually, I prefer a good Preacher rather than a Shrink.

Hugs, Joy

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Hugs, Joy