I think she looks better in my clothes than I do! Notice the new black pole that Fabulous Fit sent me to shut up my griping about the one they originally sent me. The pole is exactly the same, but the base is much, much nicer. I would advise any dress form buyers to NOT buy this style of dress form. If I had it to do over again, I would buy the one that stops mid-thigh.
I had to water all the herbs and flowers I quickly planted on Sunday before Jerry decided we were leaving town. I love herbs. Have you ever tried chopped fresh basil in green beans? Yummo! And parsley in everything. When I was planting the herbs on Sunday while the kids were still here, I lifted up the bottom tray of one of the planters, and guess what I found there?
FIVE of these!
Just that picture gives me the creeps -- yuk! I had a bunch of gardening tools with me, so I picked up a paint scraper -- did I say gardening tools? -- and I chopped four of them in half and swooped them off into the grass. Then John noticed what I was doing, and noticed scorpion number five crawling around, so he chopped it in half. I kid you not! -- scorpion #5 crawled all around fast and furious even chopped in half. G R O S S!!! It was full of eggs. Our house would have been taken over by them if all those eggs had hatched. One thing about living in the woods is the constant supply of bugs and varmints.

I'm getting fonder and fonder of this quilt the more hours I put into it. Jerry keeps thinking of places to sell it. We passed someplace today -- don't remember what or where -- but Jerry said, "Hey, that place has Route 66 signs in it. Maybe they will buy your quilt?" I responded, "MAYBE it isn't for sale!"
It is almost dinner time and time for Jerry to arrive home from work. I better go investigate the refrigerator.
Hugs, Joy
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Hugs, Joy